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POLICY 05:07:00


Pellissippi State Community College follows Tennessee Board of Regents Policy No. 4:02:10:00
Purchasing Policy and Guidelines.


To ensure efficiency, fairness, transparency and maximum level of competition in the procurement of goods
and services for Pellissippi State Community College. This policy includes the criteria and process for
procurements and is not intended to cover all TBR or PSCC policies and guidelines or all possible issues
that may arise in the procurement process; rather it is intended to give you a general process for how to
address procurement issues. Pellissippi State is responsible for complying with all other relevant policies.


The following policies and procedures are the required minimum standards for the use by Pellissippi State
Community College to purchase materials, supplies, equipment, and services. These procedures are to be
used for purchases from local operating money.


College policy provides that no employee of the College has the authority to make any purchase
commitment, enter into any contract for materials or supplies, or otherwise take action with respect to third
parties which may be construed as financially binding to the College except through the usual channel under
the authority of the Purchasing Office unless specifically authorized in writing by the president. The
Purchasing Office will conduct all negotiations with suppliers, unless special arrangements to the contrary
have been made.
The College’s purchasing policy does not prohibit a department from contacting sources for preliminary
information concerning price, quality, or usage of equipment, or supplies. The Purchasing Office will
supply names and addresses of vendors on request. Such preliminary contacts by departments are for
information only and are not to produce firm price commitments. Copies of letter estimates and of other
information relative to desired purchases received by a department from sources of supply should be
forwarded to the Purchasing Office with the original requisition.
Maximum use will be made of State of Tennessee and other applicable government contracts.


  1. General Responsibilities
    It is the responsibility of the Purchasing department to be cognizant of all policies and
    regulations set forth by The Tennessee Board of Regents and to comply fully with these
    It is also the responsibility of the Purchasing department, and the responsibility of each
    faculty and staff member, to adhere to the procurement policies and procedures
    established by this college and enumerated in this policy.
    The purchase of supplies, materials, and equipment for all college departments and
    activities is a responsibility of the Purchasing Office, unless otherwise exempted in
    writing by the president. The operation of the Purchasing Office is designed to relieve
    the faculty and staff of the details connected with procurement. Special or unusual
    procurement problems, therefore, should be brought to the attention of the director of
    The general responsibilities and functions of the Purchasing Office are as follows:

    1. To purchase supplies, material, equipment, and services for the various departments
      and activities of the College in a manner that will insure maximum value is obtained,
      and to insure that qualified suppliers are given an equal opportunity to participate in
      furnishing requirements.
    2. To expedite the delivery of material to meet the requirements of the department.
    3. To handle complaints, claims, and adjustments and to negotiate for the return of
      material or arrange for other settlements.
    4. To initiate and/or respond to all correspondence with suppliers concerning quotations
      and purchase orders.
    5. To coordinate standard specifications for materials and supplies commonly used on
      the campus.
    6. To consolidate purchase requisitions, when possible, to obtain quantity discounts f or
      volume purchases.
    7. To furnish, upon request, prices or estimates of cost for unusual materials and
    8. To maintain reference files of catalogs and literature, gather information on new
      products, and study new procedures which might be applicable to the needs of this
      college. It is permissible for departments to solicit such materials independently,
      providing the communication is restricted to a request for material only and does not
      hold Pellissippi State to any commitment.
    9. To perform any other responsibility connected with material and service
  2. Specific Responsibilities
    1. Vice presidents, deans, and directors are responsible for assuring that minimum
      essential materials and services are determined, that procurement is limited to such
      requirements, and that funds are available and authorized for each requirement.
    2. Departments should plan requirements and allow adequate time for purchasing.
      Emergency purchases show inadequate planning, and are not economical and should
      be held to an absolute minimum.
    3. Pellissippi State is prohibited by state law from making purchases for resale to
      employees or permitting personal purchases using college facilities, property or funds
      except through established outlets providing materials or services to the public, i.e.


    The purpose of this section is to provide guidance and procedures concerning procurement methods (See
    TBR Purchasing Policy and Guidelines 04:02:10:00 also). For procurements that result in contract
    documents, TBR Contracts Guideline G-30, and Pellissippi State Community College
    Purchasing/Contracting Ethics 05:07:02 shall apply.

    1. TBR code of ethics as outlined in Purchasing Policy and Guidelines 04:02:10:00 is applicable to
      all requisitions and purchases.
    2. Any conflict of interest as noted in TBR policy 1:02:03:10 should be avoided to prevent a breach
      in ethical standards.

      • Purchase requisitions for businesses with an electronic catalog can be submitted
        electronically via PSCC Pellibiz website.

        1. New Vendor requests will be submitted to the Director of Purchasing to be entered into

          • Purchases requiring that a contract be completed will still require a
            requisition. Any questions regarding this process should be directed
            to the Director of Purchasing or the Contracts Manager.
          • Purchases completed with a Procurement Card will have a set limit
            and process.
          • Petty Cash purchases can be submitted for reimbursement via
          • Purchases for items over the limit as defined and outlined in TBR
            Purchasing Policy and Guidelines 04:02:10:00 or for certain other
            items purchased on a recurring basis will have to go through a bid
            process. The Director of Purchasing should be contacted and
            included in any bid process to ensure that all aspects of the bid
            process are handled properly and according to TBR and PSCC
          • All shipping and receiving is handled by the Shipping and Receiving
            area – Requisitions should include the name of the person placing the
            order or the person for whom the order is placed.

Source: Tennessee Board of Regents Policy No. 04:02:10:00

Approved: Executive Council, March 4, 1991
Editorial Changes, May 24, 1993, July 8, 1994
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, July 27, 1998
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, March 8, 2000
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Staff, September 17, 2007
Approved: President Allen G. Edwards, September 17, 2007
Editorial Changes, July 2008, April 30, 2009, July 1, 2009
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, February 27, 2012
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., February 27, 2012
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, November 20, 2017
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., November 20, 2017
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, May 23, 2022
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr, May 23, 2022
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, March 27, 2023
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., March 27, 2023
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, August 28, 2023
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., August 28, 2023