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POLICY 06:12:05


This policy is consistent with Tennessee Board of Regents Guideline P-010

This policy is consistent with Tennessee Board of Regents Guideline P-010 and the Pellissippi
State Recruitment Guidelines.


The purpose of this guideline is to supplement provisions of the Tennessee Board of Regents
General Personnel Policy (No. 5:01:00:00) and Pellissippi State Community College Policy
General Personnel Policy (No. 06:01:00), as it relates to personnel transactions, procedures for
college appointments, budgetary and position considerations, required forms for implementation
procedures, processing of forms, employment agreements, contracts, letters of agreement,
records and reports.
Consistent with the general personnel policy, any exceptions to this guideline are subject to
approval by the President.


  1. Personnel Transactions
    1. The President is expected to follow Board policies, affirmative action plans, and
      fair employment practices when making appointments.

      1. Appointments requiring the Chancellor’s approval will be reviewed in
        light of these expectations.
      2. All appointments, regardless of salary, including promotions and transfers,
        must be reviewed and certified by the Executive Director, Equity &
        Compliance prior to action.
      3. Other appointments not requiring approval of the Chancellor will be
        reviewed periodically by the TBR System Affirmative Action Officer or
        Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources or designee to ensure
    2. Appointments Requiring Approval by the Chancellor
      1. No offer of employment can be made for positions requiring the
        Chancellor’s approval until the appointment form has actually been signed
        by the Chancellor or designee and the monitor, where required.
      2. The college must submit the following positions for approval:
        1. All vice presidents (academic, business, external, student affairs,
        etc.) or other executives reporting directly to the President
        including all interim appointments.
        2. Directors and chairs of the centers of emphasis and excellence,
        including interim appointments.
        3. Any other positions which may be designated by the President.
    3. Appointments Not Requiring Approval by the Chancellor
      1. All appointments not listed in I.B. may be approved at the college by the
        President, or any properly approved designee.
      2. The hiring procedures outlined in the following sections will be followed
        with the records being maintained at the institution. Records must be
        maintained as described in Section VI, A.2. of this guideline.
      3. The president shall be responsible for assuring compliance with the
      4. The Executive Director, Equity & Compliance shall be responsible for
        monitoring the recruiting and employment process to assure compliance
        with the guideline and the college’s Affirmative Action program and
      5. For Affirmative Action purposes, institutional records will be reviewed
        periodically by the System Affirmative Action Officer.
        vi. All promotions and transfers not requiring approval of the Chancellor
        must be approved by the president and reviewed and certified by the
        Executive Director, Equity & Compliance in compliance with TBR Policy
        5:01:00:00, General Personnel Policy and PSCC Policy 06:01:00 General
    4. Minimum Requirements for All College Appointments
      1. The following actions or procedures are mandatory, to:
        1. Establish an Affirmative Action Plan which sets goals for all
          categories of employment.
        2. Develop appropriate recruitment and selection procedures to
          ensure fairness in employment.
        3. Determine in a discussion with the Executive Director, Equity &
          Compliance whether the college has met the affirmative action
          goal for the area or department (job group in which the vacant
          position occurs).

          1. Even if the college has met the overall institutional goal in
            an employment category, i.e.,
            executive/administrative/managerial; faculty; professional
            non-faculty; secretarial/clerical/technical and
            paraprofessionals; skilled crafts; service/maintenance, there
            may be a goal for the area or department (job group) in
            which the vacant position is located which has not been

            1. For example, the overall college faculty goal of
              4.5% black representation has been met, but the
              vacancy is in the job group of Arts and Sciences.
            2. Availability data in Arts and Sciences supports the
              affirmative action plan’s goal of 7.0% black
              representation, which is higher than the overall
              institutional goal.
            3. In this case, the efforts to recruit for the Arts and
              Sciences position will be directed toward qualified
              black candidates since the availability data shows
              the applicant pool should contain some qualified
              black candidates.
          2. A second example relates to the availability of women in
            the particular job group vacancy.

            1. The total institutional faculty goal for women is
              40%, but a higher number of women are available
              in the particular job group category.
            2. Therefore, in both examples cited above affirmative
              action recruitment must occur.
            3. In summary, the college has an obligation to use the
              availability figures applicable to the particular vacancy to
              recruit qualified minorities.
      2. Prior to taking any recruitment action, the person directing the hire and/or
        the search committee must submit to the office of Human Resources and
        Equity & Compliance a written recruitment plan.

        1. There may be a standard plan for any EEO category which has
          been approved in advance.
        2. EEO categories 4, 5, 6, and 7 may be more easily standardized.
        3. There may be a need for occasional modification to this standard
          plan, depending on the nature of the position and the availability
        4. The plan includes, but is not limited to:
          1. The proposed job description, which has been reviewed by
            the Executive Director, Equity & Compliance;
          2. Method of directing the hire, i.e., individual supervisor or
            search committee;
          3. Composition of the search committee and responsibilities
            of the members, i.e., direct contacts, references, interviews,
          4. An advertising plan, which provides the following:
            1. Advertisement of the position on bulletin boards,
              and/or in appropriate publications, and/or
              newspapers and/or professional discipline-specific
              journals and/or the Tennessee Employment Security
              Office; and/or the internet;
            2. Requests for nominations, from professional
              organizations, discipline-related groups, and
              organizations devoted to leadership training for the
            3. Diverse membership on all search, selection, or
              advisory committees, when practicable; and,
            4. Direct contacts to assure that underrepresented
              groups are aware of the vacancy and are encouraged
              to apply.
            5. Approval of the recruitment plan must be granted by the Executive
              Director, Equity & Compliance prior to the commencement of the
              recruitment process.
            6. The applicant pool must generally reflect the availability data for the
              defined vacancy in that discipline or field as determined by the appropriate
              job group in the college’s affirmative action plan. Direct contacts will be
              required to assure the diversity of protected groups in the applicant pool.
            7. The Executive Director, Equity & Compliance must review all applicant
              pools and approve their composition prior to the scheduling of interviews.
              Upper level hires as defined in Section I.B.2.b., require the submission of
              Form A-1, Certification of the Search Pool, to the Vice Chancellor for
              Academic Affairs or the System Affirmative Action Officer as outlined in
              Section III of this Guideline.
            8. After a candidate has been identified as a possible hire for positions
              defined in Section I.b., Form A-2, Approval of Appointment, must be
              submitted to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or the Assistant
              Vice Chancellor for Human Resource Development as outlined in Section
              IV of this Guideline.
            9. In the case of appointments of adjunct faculty, equal employment
              opportunity efforts must include advertisement to establish and build
              diverse pools from which adjunct employees are chosen.
            10. IMPORTANT: If the college has met its affirmative action goals, equal
              employment opportunity is required. Race or sex cannot be used as a plus
              factor in hiring. However, affirmative action efforts are appropriate in the
              recruitment process to assure a representative pool. Discrimination on the
              basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, handicapped status,
              veteran status, or other illegal basis is a violation of law.
            11. The Tennessee Board of Regents and Pellissippi State Community College
              believes that it is important to check references to limit employer liability
              verify information and reduce cost of rehiring and retraining. Checks will
              produce authenticity of information as it relates to such areas as work
              history, credential problems and criminal backgrounds.
            12. The college shall conduct appropriate and timely checks in conjunction
              with each employment offer.
              1. As an option, the college may choose to participate in a system
              wide contract with a third party vendor who conducts background
              screening and checks.
              2. The college is required to develop procedures which will include
              the specific types of checks and specific positions included.
              3. The college is required to forward the procedures to the system
              office for review and approval prior to implementation of the
              4. When using the third party vendor, the college shall notify the
              applicant that a background check will be conducted prior to
              conducting the background check.
  2. Budgetary Considerations
    1. Pursuant to Section II.A. of the General Personnel Policy (5:01:00:00), where a
      transfer of funds is necessary for appointments with compensation in excess of
      funds available, the transfer is subject to confirmation by the Chancellor.

      1. No approval is necessary unless the transfer of funds is from one
        functional area to another; adjustments of line item salary amounts within
        a functional area may be made by the president if sufficient funds are
        available, subject to applicable guidelines and limitations.
      2. Where a transfer of funds between functional areas is necessary, the
        president is to submit a letter of recommendation to the Chancellor
        identifying the amount and source of transfer.
    2. Pursuant to Section II.C. of the TBR General Personnel Policy (5:01:00:00), any
      new administrative positions and major changes in administrative organization
      must be approved by the Chancellor.

      1. If the proposed position or organizational change is submitted as part of
        the proposed operating budget or October 31 revision, it should be
        identified, justified, and documented, but separate approval is not
      2. If the proposed position or organizational change does not coincide with
        the budget cycle, it should be recommended by the president in the form
        of a letter to the Chancellor which includes a full description, justification,
        fiscal implications, and other pertinent information.
  3. Required Forms for Implementation of Procedures for Approvals
    1. Information to support transactions that require the approval of the Chancellor or
      designee is requested in Forms A-1 and A-2.
    2. Approval for the certification of the search pool for upper level administrative
      vacancies is shown on Form A-1 (processed through DocuSign, at this link:
    3. Where a search committee is formed to search for a college administrator at the
      level of dean of higher, the search committee MUST be racially diverse.

      1. Where a search committee is formed, candidates for hire must first be
        screened by the search committee before an offer can be extended.
      2. The Chair of the search committee must certify that each candidate
        considered by the committee meets or exceeds the criteria published in the
        job description. (See Form A-1).
      3. Supporting documentation for Form A-1 vice presidents and upper level
        academic positions must be submitted to the System Affirmative Action
    4. Approval for an appointment recommendation is shown on Form A-2 (processed
      through DocuSign, at this link:

      1. Assurance by the Affirmative Action Officer that an approved process has
        been followed and the qualified other-race applicants have been contacted
        and fully considered is mandatory.
      2. Supporting documentation for vice presidents must be submitted to the
        Assistant Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. Upper level academic
        positions requiring approval must be submitted to the Vice Chancellor for
        Academic Affairs.
  4. Transaction Forms, Employment Agreements, Contracts and Letters of Agreement
    1. Transaction Forms
      1. Section V.B. of this guideline provides recommended transaction forms to
        be used for all personnel transactions, unless alternate forms have been
        approved by the Chancellor.
      2. The college may develop internal personnel transaction forms for
        administrative purposes. These forms may relate to management
        information system and contain fiscal and personnel data deemed
        necessary by the institution.
    2. Employment Agreements, Contracts and Letters of Agreement
      1. Pursuant to Section II.B. of the General Personnel Policy (5:01:00:00), the
        Chancellor must approve employment agreements, contracts, and letters of
        agreement used in the appointment and employment of college personnel.

        1. Approved provisions for personal, professional, consultant, and
          dual service agreements are addressed in TBR System Guideline
        2. The college may modify the forms or develop alternative and
          additional forms; however, any forms with provisions substantially
          different from the recommended forms should be submitted for
          review and approval by the Office of the Chancellor.
      2. The EEO tagline must be included on all forms.
      3. The language concerning the Drug Free Workplace Act must be included
        on all initial employment contracts.
      4. In order to comply T.C.A. § 49-7-133 the following sentence must be
        included on all contracts:

        1. “It is a Class A misdemeanor to misrepresent academic
    3. The college is advised to exercise extreme caution in connection with
      employment letters to personnel and any cover letters which are used to transmit
      personnel transaction forms, to ensure against inconsistent statements or
      commitments. Moreover, all personnel transactions at the college shall comply
      with the principles and provisions of the Board policy on equal employment
      opportunity and affirmative action (5:01:02:00).
  5. Immigration Expense Allowance
    1. New employees may receive reimbursement for immigration expenses when
      considered to be in the interest of the college and when such payment is a part of
      the employment negotiation with a new employee or the relocation of a current
      employee from another employer or institution.
    2. Reimbursement/fee allowance for immigration fees must be approved in advance
      by the President or designee.
    3. This provision applies only to candidates who are required to pay immigration
      fees to work and live in the U.S.
    4. No TBR and/or PSCC employee may receive reimbursement more than once.
    5. No payment shall be made unless the employee agrees in writing to remain in the
      service of the college for a period of twenty-four (24) months following the
      effective date of the employment agreement, unless separated for reasons beyond
      their control and acceptable to the college.
    6. The service agreement statement should be maintained in the employee’s
      personnel file. In case of a violation of such an agreement, any funds expended by
      the college for such allowance shall be recoverable from the employee as a debt
      due to the college in the same manner as educational allowance payments.
    7. Reimbursement shall be in the maximum amount of $4500 and shall not exceed
      the employee’s actual, documented expenses. The allowance cannot be used to
      defray non-immigration-related costs or any costs not associated with the
      individual employee’s immigration expenses.
    8. Reimbursable fees include:
      1. Fees charged by a licensed immigration attorney retained in connection
        with the application;
      2. Filing fee;
      3. Permanent residence fee;
      4. Fee for any application to enter the U.S.;
      5. Fee for application to remain in the U.S.; and
      6. Associated fees required in the application process, such as medical
        examinations, fingerprinting, photo identification, postal/courier fees, and
        costs of evaluating foreign academic credentials or translations of foreign
    9. The employee is responsible for making arrangements for representation,
      completion of paperwork, assistance in the immigration process, and submission
      of all bills and/or invoices for which reimbursement is sought.
    10. Faculty may submit a claim for reimbursement by sending a request with original
      receipts to the Chief Academic Officer.
  6. Transaction Records and Reports
    1. Transaction Records
      1. The college shall develop and maintain adequate records to document all
        personnel transactions, including transactions which do not require the
        approval of the Chancellor.
      2. As provided in Section IX.A. of the TBR General Personnel Policy
        (5:01:00:00), all transaction records for an employee must be maintained
        as provided in TBR Guideline G-070, Disposal of Records.
    2. Transaction Reports
      1. All college personnel transactions shall be incorporated as part of the
        college’s proposed operating budgets and October 31 budget revisions.
        TBR Board staff shall determine the appropriate form and medium for the
      2. Current personnel information may be reported periodically to the staff by
        the college for administrative purposes relative to the maintenance and
        operation of management information systems.
      3. Current personnel reports may be requested from the college at any time in
        response to requests for information for the Board staff, Board,
        Legislature, etc.
      4. Affirmative action compliance audit reports may be requested on an annual basis.

Sources: TBR Guideline P-010; T.C.A. § 49-8-203; T.C.A. § 49-7-122; T.C.A. § 8-42-101

Adopted by TBR: July 2, 1976 and August 19, 1976
Revised by TBR: September 16, 1980
Revised by TBR; July 1, 1984
Revised by TBR; August 16, 1984
Revised by TBR: July 1, 1985
Revised by TBR: February 16, 1988
Revised by TBR; May 15, 1990
Revised by TBR; September 21, 1990
Revised by TBR: November 13, 1990
Revised by TBR: November 11, 1991
Revised by TBR: November 12, 1996
Revised by TBR: August 5, 1997
Revised by TBR; February 16, 2000
Revised by TBR: May 21, 2001
Revised by TBR; February 13, 2002
Revised by TBR: November 5, 2003
Revised by TBR; November 8, 2006
Revised by TBR: February 13, 2007
Revised by TBR: August 19, 2008
Revised by TBR: May 12, 2009
Revised by TBR: May 18, 2013
Revised by TBR: August 20, 2013
Reviewed/Recommended: President’s Council, November 27, 2023
Approved: President L. Anthony Wise, Jr., November 27, 2023